I was in my morning meditation, and as usual for my practice, my mind began to wander. I wandered down a path of regret. Regret for decisions I’ve made, and the consequences I’ve experienced from those decisions. And, as expected, this lead me to doubt my current path of developing my own business. I mean, really? If I haven’t made good decisions in my past, how can I be expected to make good decisions now? What’s the saying? The best predictor of future behavior, is past behavior…….
How do I choose? Do I trust my decisions? How do I change to create success? It felt a little bleak.
I decided to view my past with different eyes, by practicing acceptance. I’ve made many decisions during my life path. Some of them were successful, and some……not so much. I realized many of these decisions were simply exploring my vision and values at the time. A traditional job with a good salary. A relationship with a certain type of partner. A stellar yoga teacher. A career in music conducting.
In a sense, I was “trying on” different visions that were part of my belief system at the time. Consider these as….experiments. Each experiment provided lessons and guidance towards the next vision.
I remember my parents view of decisions. They believed you picked one career, one religion, one partner, one car. To stray beyond the boundaries of the original decision was considered “flaky” or “irresponsible”. I can understand their view. To stay within the boundaries, never changing, provided a sense of safety and security. Sure, it makes sense.
The difficulty arises with those of us who seek new horizons, new experiences, or decide to shift our belief system. The judgement experienced by others is real. It settles into the skin, creating inner conflict between the “right thing to do”, verses what our spirit compels us to do.
Ultimately, I must live my life from the “inside out”. This means I must create my own path and be willing to embrace the learning along the way. I truly believe the only consistent thing in life, is change. Therefore, I allow my life to shift, as my vision shifts, without judgement. I’ve experimented with many things in my life. And, frankly, plan to continue doing so, as learning is my passion.
Most importantly, there isn’t a concrete right or wrong in life. Staying with one job for 30 years reaps many benefits, and is a great plan for some. Moving through varied jobs, or experiences is a welcome fit for others. If course, we won’t discuss the curve balls that life tosses our way.
I encourage you to view your decisions with flexibility. Look forward to the new adventure, instead of judging and regretting the past. It will awaken your brain and your heart, and certainly makes your day a little more enjoyable.